Property Services Unlimited
Cleaning Services
Restoration & Remediation

Residential Pest Control

Offering extensive pest control and management
solutions for your home and property

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Not all of our services are currently able to be booked online, if the service you require is not listed please Contact Us or Request a Quote

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Pest Problem?

No matter what pest you’re dealing with, trying to take care of an infestation on your own can be tricky. If you don’t approach it the right way, you could end up allowing the pests to multiply and many DIY strategies fall far short of a long-term solution. If you’ve been thinking about getting in a Professional Pest Control service such as Property Services Unlimited, read on for reasons to follow-through.

Our Service List:

Why Property Services Unlimited?

Commercial Cleaning Hamilton

Training & Standards

Our pest control service team all hold a NZ Certificate in pest Operations (Level 3) and Approved Handler Compliance Certificate in Urban Pest Management, meaning we have the knowledge and methods to rid your property of pests safely, faster, and more efficiently.

Commercial Cleaning Hamilton

Cost Effective

Our goal is to solve your pest problem; we save you from spending time and money on products that may or may not work. In most cases, it will be a one-off treatment, but if additional treatments and regular pest control treatments are needed, we can offer these quoted and contracted at reduced prices. Don’t forget to mention our combined services discount!

Commercial Cleaning Hamilton

Health & Safety

PSU uses only EPA-approved pest control chemicals, preventing unnecessary exposure to toxins and providing a safe pest control solution. Chemical Safety data sheets, Health and Safety procedures and Liability Insurance Certification are available on request.

Commercial Cleaning Hamilton

Site Specific Plan

Our Pest Control technicians will consider several factors such as the size of your site, the size of the infested area, and the type of infestation you have before drawing up a plan.

Join the growing amount of satisfied Pest Control Customers today:

Like thousands of other New Zealand households, let Property Services Unlimited handle your  Pest Problem. Head to our new book online service for a discounted price for your pest type and location (residential and Waikato area only).

For Commercial Pest Control or all other areas contact us through the get a quote page.